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How to Create Your Perfect Outdoor Living Area

How to Create Your Perfect Outdoor Living Area

Have you found yourself sitting on an old backyard patio thinking about how you can create a better outdoor space for friends and family to enjoy?  Do you have a list of ideas loaded on your Pinterest page or from other social media sites just waiting to be created?  All these ideas can compound and make things confusing and it may be difficult to understanding a starting point. Beginning a new outdoor project or renovation requires a few things that need to be considered before the planning takes place.

Before any professional plans an outdoor landscaping project there is always a site analysis performed.  A site analysis is an overview of existing conditions that surround a specific area, in this instance, a backyard.  Existing conditions refers to materials that are currently used, weather and environmental factors, plant materials, and utilities, to name a few.  By performing a site analysis you are trying to get an idea of the best materials to use and locations for those materials.

Another step that should be considered is performing a design brief to try and understand the best possible materials to use in the best possible locations.  For instance, the site analysis may have determine to use shade plants however the design brief will help determine what shade plant to use.

Once the analysis and brief are completed then the planning can begin and if they were done correctly and with thought then the planning process need not be too long.

It is great to find ideas on the web through social media sites and want to incorporate those into your yard however these ideas may not fit to your specific site.  If you want to know more about your specific site and would like a more in depth approach to your site then you are more than welcome to contact us for help.  We would be glad to help you with every aspect of the design process; from analysis to complete installation!A stamped concrete with a gas powered fire pit

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